martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

revision de examen

revisamos examen


tuvimos examen

sábado, 17 de octubre de 2009

conversacion usando going to

hello! how are you to day?
fine and you?
fine thanks.where are you going?
to the library, how about you?
Im going to the post oficce.
well, nice seeging you
nice seeging you too.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009



at + a specific time on the clock
at + night

in+ specific month,specific dayar,the morning,afternoon, evering.

on + a specific day of the week,date. from(a specific time) to (a specific time)


we have class at two clock.
my brithday is in october.
I have class on monday.
we have class from 1:00 to 2:00



subject + adverb + verb


bob always to english class.

cuadro de adjectives

hicimos un cuadro de adjectives.

proper appearance color condition feelings(bad)
mexican beautiful blue better angry
american clean purple careful grumpy
japanese elegant gray easy lazy
catholic handsome white rich nerrous
lutheran old-fashioned shy

martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

hoy hicimos una la siguiente conversacion:
esta conversacon en singular

a)hello. this is patty.
is janet there?
b)no. she isn't. she's at the bank.
a)oh. i see. i'll call back later. thanks.

y esta otra conversacion en plural.

a)hello.this is bobby
are timmy and billy there?
b)no,they aren't.they're at the library.
a)oh, isee. i'll call back later thanks.